Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Episode 5 already? So let's see, No. 6 on March 6 (the night of the UCLA-Stanford game), No. 7 on March 13, and No. 8 on March 20, the night before the baby is due. Hmm.
Remember, don't talk about show details until they've aired on the West Coast.
Update: Read my post about tonight's episode at Season Pass.
I like the Desmond storyline a lot. And I hope he and Penny have a happy ending.
Off to bed. Hope I don't have any temporal time jumps.
I'm not hopeful it will end well.
Everything about it was tense, even the auction, and (I don't think) there was any larger significance to that book Penny's dad was bidding on. Loved the use of jump cuts, dropped frames, and sped-up sequences (and an amazing performance by Davies as the yet-still-more frazzled Past Faraday) to put the audience in the same state of unease as Past Desmond. Also loved the subtle "Slaughterhouse Five" references in the dialogue (Desmond's military buddy was named Billy, Eloise the rat becoming "unstuck in time"). Marc Vann, who plays the creepy doctor, also played a memorably creepy doctor in the fifth season of "Angel."
I was trying to think of a way to explain this episode more rationally and logically. The best I could come up with was that Desmond never really time travelled at all. Instead, he did become dis-oriented when he got to the boat, and Farraday was able to talk to Desmond in a way that would get his mind back to the present and make him remember all that had gone on. Sort of a play on The Notebook.
I was thinking Desmond would have known Penny's phone number regardless. I doubt he actually did go 8 years without speaking with her or knowing her phone number.
You're part missing the back story here, (and the other part, I think, is there's still a untold story thread about Penny & Dez that will connect the rest of the dots). Remember, from an earlier ep, Dez went and seeks her out at one point after the break-up, then goes sailing around the world ... and gets lost. The 8 years is not implausible, since we don't know at what point in the time line he disappeared.
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