With hilarious moments involving sandwiches, ringtones and Clive Owen, as well as eviscerating moments courtesy of Ricky Gervais, Extras wrapped up in high style.
I can't wait to catch this OnDemand tomorrow. My girlfriend trumped my yearning for Extras with the season finale of Dexter, which is a good show i guess, except this season kinda puttered out.
just watched it last night and thought it was brilliant. what a great arc that show had in just 2.1 seasons. i only wish i knew more about british pop culture so i could get more references.
the big brother monologue really got to me. and capping it with the punch line of cutting to Stephen Merchant was perfect.
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the big brother monologue really got to me. and capping it with the punch line of cutting to Stephen Merchant was perfect.
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