Baseball Toaster Screen Jam
Giving Bloggers a Bad Name
2007-11-07 17:22
by Jon Weisman

I just watched the trailer for quarterlife, the Marshall Herskovitz and Edward Zwick direct-to-Internet series premiering next week, and I have to wonder if they truly expect me not to be turned off by the arrogance of the lead character. In the snippet, she is the cliche of the self-important blogger.

I got hyped up for the show from this interesting op-ed piece (on the strike) Herskovitz published in the Times today. Now, I'm thinking they could have done with a network note or two.

Of course, maybe the longer presentation of quarterlife is better.

2007-11-07 23:29:07
1.   Bob Timmermann
I looked at that trailer and thought "What the ...???"
2007-11-08 12:03:19
2.   Kevin Lewis
Has anyone watched the Lost video on the website? The orientation clips....they just love to mess with us.
2007-11-08 12:06:24
3.   Kevin Lewis
Has anyone watched the Lost video on the website? The orientation clips....they just love to mess with us.
2007-11-08 16:24:24
4.   DXMachina
If it's going to be on the net anyway, wouldn't it be neat if they could make it interactive? Wouldn't need much. Just, say, I don't know, maybe a button to click on the screen that would deliver an electric shock to the character whenever she got really annoying, arrogant, and/or bitchy. That might be fun.

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