Californication is one of those series that I can't wait for it to be Monday, I haven't felt that way about a series in a LONG time. But then agains I'm not a big T.V./series type.
2 This episode was better than the first episode of this season, but there's nothing unifying that's driving the plot yet. We're just swimming around in no particular direction.
That is the reason I go up and down with this show. One thing that has bothered me is that no one seemed to notice that Sylar was gone at the end of season 1. I understand they were focused on the big explosion, but wouldn't someone notice the body being gone? I mean they were hunting this guy down the whole season!!!
That is the reason I go up and down with this show. One thing that has bothered me is that no one seemed to notice that Sylar was gone at the end of season 1. I understand they were focused on the big explosion, but wouldn't someone notice the body being gone? I mean they were hunting this guy down the whole season!!!
But I hate having to come up with explanations like that.
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