A really moving performance from Dominic Monaghan tonight on Lost. A character that so many have been eager to dismiss truly had his showcase. Credit also to a script that really made me feel him.
Meanwhile, American Idol voters get it half right and half terribly wrong.
I feel that Desmond's pre-cog flash ability is no longer valid, since he didn't mention anything about Charlie dying by being shot by women. Unless he was lying.
My wife said she can't wait until next week's two hour finale; I responded by pointing out that she'll have to wait until next January for the inevitable cliff-hanger after the finale.
Re: Desmond's pre-cog ability: I think it's already been shown to be faulty, or at least not entirely accurate. Besides, it's quite possible that it's true... just that there's a few extra steps to Charlie's demise.
3 - Melinda's relative blandness was always a risk factor for her, but I can't understand how anyone could want to hear Blake perform ever, let alone again.
2, 5 --- I think the pre-cog ability is broken now. Some decision was made that did it ... maybe Desmond trying to go in Charlie's place. Maybe it was Charlie actively embracing his death. Of course, I could easily be wrong.
Melinda was the best singer. But she's already a professional singer. That's unfair. Plus she can't dance, and can barely walk.
Beatboxing is neat and all, but there are others that do it much better and it's much more of a novelty than a commerically viable medium. Sparks and Doolittle are good singers and all, but neither seem to have any sort of charisma or looks to put them over the top.
Jordin has personality and still has room to grow - I'll take the bet on her.
Just look a craptacular band like Maroon 5 last night, they have no range and generally make trite, poppy music. They had a big hit a couple years ago and they just remake it four or five times on every album and they are rich beyond my wildest dreams. It doesn't take much.
I don't care about his arrangements or that he can be as successful as Maroon 5 - his voice and approach just do nothing for me. The guy's got a voice like tissue paper, and he does nothing to make up for that that interests me.
Meanwhile, Jack as the actual leader is ten times more annoying than Jack as the de facto leader. Can we get back to the pit where Locke is already?
You didn't even think that it was a bit remarkable that the woman Charlie rescued in the alley from the mugger was Sayid's girlfriend, Nadia?
So I believe Nadia has met both Locke (doing home inspection for her) and Charlie (in London.)
By no means does Blake beat box to an annoying degree. Unless you're old and it just sounds CRAZYYYYYY to you. When he does it, it's only for a few moments. He needs to be seen in a contemporary light, since this is now, and not 1966. It's a hip hop landscape and he does it well and convincingly. And he can sing a ballad ok too. I should hate him, and I don't.
After Jordin wins, the marketing guys will get her to lose that 50 pounds and she'll have a fighting chance. She has a dramatic way with a ballad.
Enjoyed Lost although I missed seeing Locke, hopefully he shows up next week, otherwise that would be a major disappointment. I thought Monaghan was great. Didn't catch that it was Nadia who Charlie saved (thanks Bob).
I would find it extremely difficult putting together a top 5 list of the "greatest hits" of my life in reverse order like Charlie did, especially considering how much time he reflected on each successive one. Definitely would have to just make a big list of things and then rank them. And I'd use a Sharpie for crosswords before I used one for a list like that. Very impressive.
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