Baseball Toaster Screen Jam
Deleted Scenes from Last Week's The Office
2007-02-27 19:49
by Jon Weisman
2007-02-27 22:57:57
1.   Greg Brock
So, Angela is down with the rainbow. Nice to see them getting along.

And Dwight dotting that kid with the soccer was awesome.

2007-02-28 10:39:59
2.   bhsportsguy
Stanley cracks me up, Pretzel Day and going after Ryan when he chats up his teenage daughter.
2007-02-28 22:22:12
3.   Andrew Shimmin
I was just coming here to post the link to this. Stanley rocks. Hard. And I think somebody might enjoy Jan's background quite a bit.
2007-02-28 22:22:14
4.   Andrew Shimmin
I was just coming here to post the link to this. Stanley rocks. Hard. And I think somebody might enjoy Jan's background quite a bit.
2007-02-28 22:22:55
5.   Andrew Shimmin
Wow. My first ever toaster double post. Irritating.
2007-02-28 23:08:04
6.   Greg Brock
Pull yourself together, Shimmin.
2007-03-03 16:39:28
7.   Brent is a Dodger Fan
They've provided a fourth clip, in which Ryan asks Toby if there's some rule against inter-office dating, and Toby whispers back: "I'm not doing your dirty work for you."


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