Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Fifteen minutes in, this is my favorite episode of Heroes. I'm loving the exchanges between Parkman and Claire.
I have never thought Heroes to be on the level of Lost at its peak - even today, I still look forward to the latter much more - but i have to say that Heroes rarely disappoints, except for that Ali Larter tripe of a plotline.
Boy, does Eric Roberts look like hell, though.
Late Academy Awards comment, and cheap, cheap joke - Ken Levine wrote about Steve Martin in his 2003 review, "Not since Bob Hope has an Oscar host lusted after more women." Perhaps the record has been broken. (Zero difficulty points. Zero points for timeliness.)
(Sorry, never seen Heroes.)
But tonight's episode was great, the scary appearance of Eric Roberts notwithstanding.
I have glasses like Mr. Bennet, but I don't wear them much anymore.
But I don't need revelations to keep my interest in Lost. I don't watch the show to get the mystery solved. I watch because I'm invested in the characters.
I'd like to see Lost get Hurley some more screen time again soon.
So what we are left with is two main characters- Jack and Sawyer- and three other interesting minor characters- Desmond, Ben and - all of whom probably will be talked about in the past tense by the end of the season judging by the fates of other additions to the cast.
Now "Heroes" is a vastly different show, but I don't really think that it is just plot driven. Many of the characters are driven by Freudian conflicts (father figures, children, spouses, siblings, ect) and nearly all of the drama is derived from character interactions. The difference is that the show is told in the present tense unlike "Lost" which spends half of every episode on back-story. As for "Heroes" struggling to keep up plot twists for several seasons, I don't think it is so difficult. Consider last night's episode where huge amounts of back-story and character development were revealed. Yet, all of the revelations begged new questions- what exactly is this organization? Who did the invisible man hide from the organization? What is Hiro's relationship to his dad (is it something like Claire's?)? Who is that murderous boss? How can people be exposed to enough ambient radiation to set things on fire and yet not end up with cancer? Not to mention the new story lines raised by the episode(Parkman and Claire's dad working together, Claire on the rund). Plot advancement doesn't have to be of the mind-$@*% variety. Say what you want about season 3 versus 1, but right now "Lost" is floundering while "Heroes" is just hitting its stride.
Heroes is solid. It hasn't always made my jaw drop, but it's solid. Except for Ali Larter v. Ali Larter.
I think "Heroes" could be a lot tighter written, no narration, maybe a little less coincidences (I mean everyone on the show is related leading to the possibility of accidental incest- see: the smoldering look between Claire and Peter after he saved her, only it is later revealed he is her uncle) and I agree that Ali Larter is the worst character on the show right now... but it is still an awfully good show.
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