From Rick Kissell of Variety:
Nielsen has taken its ratings game to college campuses for the first time, and the early results are good news for young-skewing programs.
It's not surprising that primetime shows with young auds like "Grey's Anatomy" and "Gilmore Girls" have seen their ratings spike up, but a few daytime soap operas have also been big beneficiaries. ...
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Wednesday night TV chat welcome ...
So that's your cover story? ;-)
My apartment isn't very big.
I live in comfortable squalor.
It does conflict with The Daily Show but feeds right into Charlie Rose.
I've been Charlie Roseless for a year. Sigh.
And now it is time to sautée.
Charlie Rose?
I would think not having access to Charlie Rose is a good thing.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.