Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Debra Kaufman has a lengthy history of the making of Roots at TV Week. The miniseries turns 30 this year. I saw every minute of it when it first aired.
And speaking of birthdays, Ernest Borgnine will be 90 on Wednesday, notes Bob Thomas of The Associated Press.
At a recent reunion of the cast of the 1960s TV comedy "McHale's Navy," the actors were appalled at the arrival of their former commandant. A driver helped Ernest Borgnine from the car. The once-exuberant Lt. Cmdr. Quinton McHale was stooped over and walked haltingly, muttering gibberish.
His former ensign, comedian Tim Conway, rushed forward and exclaimed, "Ernie, what has happened to you?"
Suddenly Borgnine straightened up, threw out his massive chest and bellowed, "What's going on here?" followed by his signature high-decible laugh.
Prankster Borgnine shows little evidence of aging as he approaches his 90th birthday on Wednesday. His round, pudgy face is little changed. His only concession to age was abandoning the bus he used to drive around the country, talking with local folks along the way.
"I gave up the bus when I was 88," he said. ...
Marty and From Here to Eternity, anyone?
My favorite recent appearance of Ernest Borgnine was in the episode of the Simpsons where Bart joins the junior scouts and Borgnine is the special celebrity guest dae/big brother.
Are their NBC execs who drop by the SNL set to just gab with Amy Poehler?
Plus, all work and no play make Jack (Donaghy) a dull boy.
And my favorite Ernest Borgnine movie is The Wild Bunch. That's actually one of my favorite movies, period.
"That's me all over. I'm half horse, half alligator. You mess with me and I'll kick a lung outta' ya'"
That film also has the line where Walter Brennan tells Spencer Tracy, "I feel for you, but I'm consumed with apathy!"
Then, I don't particularly like Kat Hepburn for similar reasons (Audrey though... wow).
Or maybe "McHale's Navy: Reporting for Duty." McHale gets a notice that because of the military's manpower shortage, he has to go back into the Navy. Co-starring Tim Conway, Jr., David Copperfield as the Carl Ballantine character's nephew, and Florence Henderson as "Ms. Leadbottom."
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