Isn't Peter Petrelli just running for the House? And his district is in Manhattan? So shouldn't all the hubbub be over the Democratic primary and not the November 8 General Election?
And yes, this is the one plot point I cannot suspend disbelief for!
Rena Sofer (who plays Peter Petrelli's wheelchair bound wife) played Jack Bauer's sister-in-law in "24", but she wasn't in "Hereoes" tonight so no head-to-head battle.
I would not vote for someone who could fly. There are far better ways to make somelike that to contribute productively to society than having them sit around for hours listening to people complain about their neighbors.
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Well, it's worked out pretty well for Marion Barry.
And Masi Oka continues to be an absolute treat. What a fine young actor.
And yes, this is the one plot point I cannot suspend disbelief for!
Rena Sofer (who plays Peter Petrelli's wheelchair bound wife) played Jack Bauer's sister-in-law in "24", but she wasn't in "Hereoes" tonight so no head-to-head battle.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.