Baseball Toaster Screen Jam
2007-01-22 13:08
by Jon Weisman

More and more often, the actor obituaries I see are not of those performers from someone else's childhood, but my own. They are more than just names to me.

I don't know if members of any generations after X got to appreciate Ron Carey, but I just wanted to say that I did.

Carey, who also appeared in scores of commercials, took pride in being a supporting player and a character actor.

"Stars are stars," he told Newsday in 1989. "But without us, the show wouldn't go on."

2007-01-22 14:31:50
1.   ToyCannon
His character on Barney Miller was one of my all time favorites.
2007-01-22 14:33:04
2.   ToyCannon
His character on Barney Miller was one of my all time favorites.
2007-01-22 17:38:25
3.   Marty
Aww, I hadn't heard this, that's too bad. He was also good in History of the World Part I, and I remember him in the original Out of Towners.
2007-01-22 19:09:22
4.   El Lay Dave
Unfortunately, the only Barney Miller DVD is Season 1, and Ron Carey doesn't appear until later. A pretty consistently funny show, and Carey was a key contributor.

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